why do entjs like intps\

Publikováno 19.2.2023

Anyway: There's an ENTJ on my bus, and when she sits near the group of me and the two INTP friends I have on that bus, we generally end up in animated conversations on various random topics. Are INFJs Sensitive And Easily Overwhelmed? As leaders, ENTJs are often well-spoken and enjoy organization and order. Love tells me I am everything. I'm NOT impulsive, that would be foolish. Go ahead, lie to each other. They can be unfiltered with each other because the INTP and the ENTJ only care about truth and facts. ENTJ and INTP is truly a match made in heaven. You can tell me what to do, but you can't tell me not to think you are bossy if you like telling people what to do. Something not a lot of ENTJs need help with, I would imagine :p. In Aristotle, there's links between God as the "Unmoved Mover," and astrology, with the planets mediating God's "motions" down to Earth. I work in a male dominated field. Honestly, believe what you want, just my 2 cents. Whatva relief.idgaf who hates melol im a true ENTJ ARIEShated by all women and I'm happy to Intimidate and Intrigue. I believe we arevery blessed to think the way we do! Find Jayne at White Rose Copywriting. Being the same, Sagittarius and ENTJ well.. All the weaknesses you have described above i truely related to all of them, but my test results shows I'm an entp! Their natural instinct to lead will be apparent in this arena as well as other areas of life, and they will lead their partner on creative lovemaking adventures, where the focus is on mutual learning and affection sharing. Btw your last words of "do you hate this dude?" My mother is ENTJ and I always had a wonderful relationship with her. Aries sun, Capricorn moon, Leo rising. Recently I decided that Im going back to my normal self but I feel even lonier and more misunderstood. In reality I understand my flaws as a person and as an ENTJ I have no plan to ever change them. Waste of time. I dont think saying sorry should be that hard for an ENTJ. Us ENTJ'scan do anything. Finding a disciple that supports the community is the key to overcoming their creative shortcomings. ago. I have read that they are ideal for each other. because one's extroverted thinking and the other is introverted thinking. ENTJs may often try to mediate and remedy situations by solving the root of the problem and finding a solution. I will take the time to answer, even if really busy. ? INTJs and ENTJs never good in relationship to begin with! I've been called cold and distant. My husband is a Sagittarius ENTJ but does not drive a Mercedes. Because of their personality traits and dispositions, INFPs are often considered wall-flowers and may seem quiet. And ofcourse generalize it to all life matters. INTPs often debunk ENTJs theories and concepts with millions of questions and troubleshooting the process, which often leads to misunderstandings in their relationship. Why do ENTJs like INTPs? Or a hobby for, say, astronomers who don't take astrology seriously My bf is entj and I literally told him you have to start acting like you don't care about what you're doing at work bc others were getting so jealous of him and trying to trip him up! ", "I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.". INTPs are often more dependent on their relationships and can become overly involved in close relationships. Often, when an INTP . ENFJ -INFP relationships. special kind of ending. Generally, INTPs admire ENTJs for their success. I gotta say Sophia i'm with you there in every point you made espically the second to last sentence,and i'm only fourteen years old still in highschool and putting up with people that just don't likemy straitforward blunt honesty besides theboys who are mostly my friends and the rest of them can't just seem tosuck it up. Do I am whiny because I told you how to do something that you are clearly wrong and blind?! They also enjoy connecting to other people on an emotional level, unlike ENTJs. You commented that almost 4 years ago! But who cares. I hope that when I'm older, the new generation of ENTJ women won't hold back,because women have been doing that for thousands of years and I think it's about time we stopped. So excuse me if I have a soft spot for these cut-to-the-chase innovators that exude confidence and drive. Why do INTPs like ENFJs? Saem with my family, friends etc. Adversely, ENTJs are protective of their emotions, goal-oriented, hyper-focused, focused on solutions rather than problems, and fiercely independent. The world is too small. However, can at times be challenging. Sorry CAN be a hard thing to say but ONLY to those who are untrained in emotional intelligence. I have to say this is real. Thankfully, on the professional front, I've found a comfortable place which allows me to be me and drive, drive, drive! But they hate me and woman never liked me growing up and still don't. There is nothing out of the ordinary, different or plain, special about you dear poster. Till death. Whenever there is debate or conflict or I have to correct someone or call a miatake to someones attention despite having read "how to win friends and influence people" and years of therapy, I still manage to rub people the worng way with my level of directness focus on the issue. I like their ambition, their drive, their competence and the confidence especially. They are very dominant in bed. Being a girl in a male dominated academic school track is hard in the first place but honestly I love the challenge and knowing I'll come out on top is a fantastic feeling. Unfortunately, I have always struggled with being diplomatic in a conflict. I am a female INFP Aries. I do this because my morals say that it is the right thing to do, and I recognize that some people will have a hard time letting go of an issue until someone has acknowledged their mistake. These signs start every seasonAries kicks off spring, Cancer starts summer, Libra begins fall and Capricorn is the first winter sign. He controls. Hey any ENTJ Pisces woman want to converse with an INTP Scorpio. We'll close by learning about ten famous ENTJs and what you can learn from them. It so hard sometimes being someone like us, we think so fast and far ahead, other people in my work place just can't keep up, it took me quite sometime for me to explain my thought to them, sometime they just rejecting my idea, but what makes me annoyed is, in the end, they always ending up using it, sometimes they forgot that i already mention it before which they turn down, it just making me crazy. These personalities value absolute honesty as they work their own no-holds-barred track through life - it takes a lot of effort for them to communicate tactfully and with charm. They appreciate efficiency and work quickly to find solutions to problems to move forward. They don't need to know, that we see the big picture. Coupled with MBTIwhich I understand intricately, you can really read a person and anticipate their behavior, not their destiny. With this in mind, I take actions that can be modified as needed. Maybe the real fact is THAT because you never try to listened to them in the first place when YOU should listen. I'm also a capicorn and I give really good advice to my friends who aren't in a good mood. He believes strongly in the importance of self-care, good friendships, and humor whenever possible. Actually I have a co-worker who is ENTJ and he is very good at doing certain things to make sure he fits in/gets along/gets more powerful. 1. ENTJs, like INTPs, see the logic in telling the truth and would avoid . The amateur ENTJ will not address any of those emotions. So misinterpreted. Traveller, there are no roads. Sounds like your guessing that. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I also can't relate to most people unless they're an NT type, which is my significant other. This is a great question and I look forward to reading the answers. Some how they hold grudges and feel this pain but not aware about everyone elses.. Not sure which one it is, but to be honest it could be either or. I understand10 points above, sounds very much like my spouse. Don't worry about your astrological sign, this will give rise to personal confusion. INTPs like to do things that stimulate them mentally and neglect responsibilities that they deem mundane, repetitive, or boring until a sense of urgency arises. Similar to why people don't like ESTJs. Think of it this way, Roosevelt was an ENTJ, he had been preparing for WW2 long before entering it officially, he built the united nations. I try hard to stay up-to-date with the current liberal trend in how to talk to millennials without making them cry (circles back to whining and disrespect), but in the end, I really need stronger personalities on the team. I'm an ENTJ and a scorpio. I also dim my own light, masking who I truly am, at work to seem more 'likeable/approachable' because my peers have told me since I was 5-years old that I'm"too bossy.". Does Journaling Make You Feel Worse? Their open-minded nature lends itself to being able to see both sides of an argument or disagreement easily, making them an objective party in their mediation. How inconvenient for everyone around them! You need to start your own business, or you will never realize your trueself, or potential. I find that in talking to her, she gives me most of my ideas for the application of whatever obscure topic I'm studying. 4-i hate them, I hate negative people, I hate pessimists, they are losers and are just waisting their lives. INTP personality types are often caught-up in daydreams. No two personalities are identical. Please be courteous. Action and thinking are not mutually exclusive. There's no way I like like someone and don't answer the same day they wrote something. Now I am reconnecting with myself and honestly, I could give two **** about how they perceive me or getting people to "like" me. You're know-it-alls and you believe your limited experience entitles you to opine on just about anything. I countinue to play in my playfield which is workplace. Worst case scenario? But reading this, i find them all accurate/relatable and i hope i could find a way to make things better for me and my ENTJ mom knewing there are things she isn't capable of. As I understand it: - ESTJs have the best sense of what is correct, until proven otherwise - INTJs are the "smartest"*, until proven otherwise IME that "default" sense is pretty common in both types -- and that can bother some people. This is funny, fires signs and ENTJ. The goal in life is winning. Of course, dont take it so seriously man. But here's the thing, that only happens when they stop giving attention to their inner Fi(intraverted feeling-this is the psychologicalconcept that Jung talks about, all these are artices are pulling from the psychological work Jung has done). You are me to the very very T!!!! So now that newly retired I have 2/3 of an empty space to fill. Regardless of the lack of exactness in the MTBI, the simple sharing of points of view between rational people is absolutely worthless if those views are not to be challenged. I take issue whenproblems are identified without the intention of solving it, ESPECIALLY if said problem is relatively easy to resolve. They can become focused on the emotion of a situation rather than the situation itself. I don't know if the same goes with a girl, but I interact very well with male ENTJs. They are assertive and enjoy taking charge in most situations. Tarot, more so. I amstrategicallyquickacting. In the end it just kind of manifests as having to put on a different face at work/ school. We do what must be done. I spend half of my communication time trying to explain that I don't have any bad feelings towards another person just because I am critical of their product. INTPs are naturally more emotional and quick to express their thoughts and feelings. The cognitive features go well with each other. ENTJs are highly protective of their emotions and may find it difficult to express themselves and reveal their genuine feelings. Why Did I Pick This Book for ENTJs? INFPs can help ENFJs relax and slow down once in a while. Although they are not lazy, INTPs are not fond of routines. I am wondering about being a Cancer and an ENTJ. People consider me rude and impatient. Be you!! What to . On the other hand, INTPs represent their intuition by following their emotions and acting on their creative and imaginative impulses. 14. As an ENTJ, what do you think people "dislike" about you. I'm not highly dominant & Commanding as said about entj types. However there are thousands of years of history through recorded documents that all have the same bottom line. I don't get it. If you live/work/socialize with an ENTJ, prepare to hear some pretty blunt language. Consedring that we have the biggest balls ever, emotions and charm is left for the rest of the population. But do ENTJs really hate INTPs? You can find them giving orders, yeah, but theyre also chasing the limelight, can take orders too if necessary, aesthetically inclined,abrupt and blunt, even brash, does procrastinate,in vain, open,anger-prone and are quite passionate. I haven't met a ENTJ so closely, but I believe my philosophy teacher is one. i've got an entire manual of how to handle most situations. Their common trait of intuition can help them relate and empathize with each other. Don't let anyone stop you from being yourself. I also feel relieved. Every time I'm medicated for it people mistake me for ENTJ. Welcome to The Personality Room. Mostly not everyone hating ENTJs because of the superiority or that the ENTJ failed to live up the expectation. That being said, I am certainly protective of my deepest feelings and will take some time to fully get everything out I want to say and make sure its an appropriate time and place to say them. You get along well until another extraverted type gets in the mix. I am a cancer sun aries moon, which is called the "warrior". INTPs like that ENTJs also share a strong belief in the importance of logical reasoning. INFP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting. The primary difference between these two personality types is their focus. #4 First identify a problem, then solve it. I can understand why an ENTJ would want an INTP. Like some of you, I tried to be more normal for the last fear years and it worked ok butback fired on my health. I have never been able to get along with an ENTJ, but best friends with plenty of INTJs. However, ENTJs are incredibly stubborn and rely primarily on empirical evidence, disregarding abstract thinking and logic, which frustrates INTPs. The truth is that everyone is insecure to a certian extent but, the feelings of insecurutues go away because they are being addressed by the person processing those feeings in whatever way possible. While I may be focused on the bigger picture 99% of the time I am very meticulous about crossing my T's and dotting my I's when I'm planning something. ENTJs are extroverted, intuitive, thoughtful, and practice careful judgment in their everyday life. Sexuality fascinates INTPs in a similar way to music.[] Myers Briggs is the only accurate personality typology that I've encountered, and thats in part due to it's specificity, it's the only useful typology, as it can help you understand yourself and others. Adversely, ENTJs are protective of their emotions, goal-oriented, hyper-focused, focused on solutions rather than problems, and fiercely independent. Potential pitfalls-- they can be flaky sometimes, and they really, really don't like criticism! INTPs appreciate ENTJs precision and logical reasoning. I am kind and friendly. Wanna know why I suppress my feelings? We need more entjs. They are their own worst critics. I suspect your distrust of it is that it's not Quantified. INFJs can be self-centered because they use it as protection to shield themselves from pain and disappointment. From the MBTI perspective, the best match for ENTJs is deemed to be INTP. I'm a Gemini ENTJ, I can relate with most what I read from y'all. Im a Sagittarius Entj and pretending to fit into the stereotype of a woman is real tough for me. So, I would add not having a worthwhile mission would be a sin for an ENTJ. I am highly educated in a highly tech icalprofession. INTJ keeps ENTJ grounded while ENTJ spurs INTJ to action. Good to see my chameleon circuits are functioning properly. GIRL I AM AN ARIES AND ENTJ TOO AND I COMPLETELY!!!! 5- 100% the same. I am also a student of esoteric subjects and an amateur astrologer. Finally I also got to learn to love, be patient and have empathy. It seems that people think this personality type is about power but for me it comes up like poking apparent leaders with sticks to make sure they actually have a pulse up there. I have one that I love and am unapologetic about. You're know-it-alls and you believe your limited experience entitles you to opine on just about anything. I sometimes even take the consecquences over my shoulder and be proud of it. This makes them quick to argue when the other person does not share the same viewpoint or easily offends the ISTP. They are whiners. INTJ here and I had disappointed in an ENTJ that I knew for a long time. I'm an entj woman and am studying this because of continual problems withfeeling misunderstood. When these two first meet , their first conversation may seem like they have known each other for years. I don't know why people hate it when I am competitive. Both personalities are ambitious and willing to challenge the status quo. They often daydream and get caught up in fantasy. This site uses cookies to keep you logged in if you register. All comments are moderated. In short, they are good in bed and not interested in one-night stands! It's just that dotting the 'i's' and so on requires the ENTJ to slow down and spend far too long thinking about one thing. I've never felt more at home than I do right now reading this comment section. INTP The INTP does not like too much detail, preferring a broad-brush stroke approach. When Iam not challenged, success seems so much easier. Your self-worth isn't defined by the level of your concerete and proven success as much as it's defined by the impressionability of your aggrandized self-conceptualization. AGREE 100%. I am a very kind loving person but people sometimes refuse to see that becaue they they are stupid and insecure. My mother thinks I act and have a taste like a man. Thus, they are the leaders and idea people of the zodiac. I love ENTJs, don't really have time to analyze why right now though..I'll come back to this post tomorrow and edit in why. Sophia"Get it Girl!!!!!" That simple. Irelate to this post and alot of the commentary. It doesn't apply to ENTJ's. INTP. Most of them at least. Anyways, people who think Astrology is useful or even accurate bother me to the core. 3. ENTJs are driven toward success in their endeavors. If you know about personality types, you may also know that some types find it difficult to get along. Some look for a co-hero, someone that is on the exact same track as you, with similar goals and aspirations. I am a student to this ENTJ, and he regarded me as whiny and rude when I am restating a fact that he is taking charge the wrong way. Now I am aware of my innate problems. In my career change, the stress turned me into someone I'm not and I made a decision that I regret to this day. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. ENFJs are often drawn to INTPs' independence, creativity, and calm way of dealing with crisis. INTPs may trust ENTJs who allow them the freedom to be a little spontaneous and adventurous; ENTJs should be patient with INTPs, understanding their need for experience. Actually from what I know I'm the only woman in the southeast United State that do what I do, and would like to say I'm damn good at it. INTPs lead with Introverted Thinking - a function that seeks to verify, rationalize and understand its environment without bias. 6. And thats embarassing as hell to me as an INFP. INTPs appreciate ENTJs ability to not get offended. #10 It wouldn't be productive to have too many leader types. Ugh, it's a blessing and a curse that we are so rare. Havent been able to pin point what. I've found horoscopes somewhat helpful in a "once you've exhausted the methods of rationality, you have nothing further to lose by using the methods of irrationality" kind of way. I love the article. Yes, ENTJ and Gemini here. especially those slow ppl oof!! But as much as I like ENTJs, I couldn't eat a whole one . They both focus on the future and can come up with well-thought-out ideas for any problem. I enjoyed reading it because of how accurate it was and the fact that I've heard all of that before just adds the cherry on top. I do believe depression and peer pressure can dissolve someones personality type. ENFJs are attracted to the calm, genuine, playful, and easy-going nature of INFPs. Unforeseen issues arise from even the best laid plans. Myers-Briggs and MBTI are registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc., which has no affiliation with this site. ENTJs may feel uncomfortable when in the presence of INTPs because they enjoy connecting over intellect rather than emotions. Because of this, ENTJs may perceive INTPs are lazy, unfocused, and may confuse their carefree attitude with laziness. We all get shot down sometimes, but failure is especially dramatic for ENTJs - they tend to rise higher than most people, so they have much farther to fall. 100% agree. While these personality types can have their difficulties, it doesnt mean that they cant work well together. ENTJ. Copyright 2021, Truity. INTPs provide incredible ideas and troubleshooting, while ENTJs provide execution and leadership. The Awkward ENTJ. ENTJs are highly independent and believe that everyone is responsible for their own fate in life. She lives with her husband and daughters in the UK. While I think Elizabeth is more likely an INTP/INTJ hybrid than an ENTJ, she still has the curious mind and logical, big-picture insight that all NT personality types strive to have. Their strengths are in different places is all.. ENTJ Female Cancer here. But now I don't really care what people think of me. They may often pursue creative careers where they allow themselves the freedom of expression. Although ESFJs are not typically considered a creative personality type, many examples of ESFJs have gone on to be successful musicians and/or artists. They can quickly become distracted when they are inspired to pursue other interests. ENTJs may despise being told to relax and can often become agitated with individuals that consider them to be too serious.. Just throwing this out there. I refuse to be manipulated. 6- Not sure if we mean the same thing, but I've found that "my way" could occasionally be difficult for people even though if it's the most efficient route. For the ENTJ personality type, goals, achievements and ambition are some of the most important parts of their life. Oh, one of the really good reasons to be with an ENTJ is that the well developed ones are a good lay. I'm in college, and the way most of my peers think, the attitudes they have, it's just weird, "I'm in college, and the way most of my peers think, the attitudes they have, it's just weird", To an INTP, 'weird' often means 'interesting to study.' . It's clear that I shouldn't work for someone else. I hate that my self. You could be sitting in a room with 10 professors and believe yourself to be more knowledgeable than ALL of them put together in one. I think a lot of ENTJ women are mis-typed and don't answer the questions honestly. If the INTPs concerns were justified and the fastest way to fix it and finish the project is to start over, that's the direction the ENTJ will go. Continue. I also agree that everything has to go their way otherwise they get mad so I try to compromise and or just do what he wants to avoid conflict. And as we progress in our physics understanding, the more I think it will be Quantified. Astrology is a pieceof a whole picture. INTP and ENFJ personalities are Intuitive; they prefer to focus on the future and think abstractly. Too methodical. I'm very forward with how I feel and I have 0 problem with telling anyone where I stand. For me it took years to have found someone that let me into their hearts. I also try blending in, but it feels too forced. Mainstream psychology says MBTI is pseudoscience, but I've found it useful, mainly because it gives a way of understanding different people as "differently healthy." casually playing guitar in my mental arena, http://soredragon.blogspot.com/2008/06/judge-dread.html, Truth, just.Truth. The first reason these personality types may find it difficult to get along is their level of emotional vulnerability. Steven Melendy, PsyD., is a Clinical Psychologist who received his doctorate from The Wright Institute in Berkeley, California. They have a hard time connecting to the feelings of others, and can become uneasy around them. . We know when we have messed up and a situation warrents our sincerest apologies. I don't see how you equate planning with commanding. SEE, WORLD, NONE OF IT IS SO HARD IF ONE BUCKS UP, DEALS WITH REALITY AND SUCKS UP THEIR FALSE FICTIONS." When I'm with an ENTJ I'm constantly slapping my forehead thinking: "THANK YOU. 7- Yes! I am an ENTJ -Pisces. Are you curious to know more about how these two personality types match together? I am a great friend of my dad, who is an ENTJ and my cousin, who is possibly my best friend is ENTJ. Look for a co-hero, someone that is on the other hand INTPs. Responsible for their own fate in life btw your last words of `` do you hate this dude? of... Any ENTJ Pisces woman want to converse with an INTP Scorpio to pursue other interests # 10 it would be... ENTJ Female Cancer here are not fond of routines their difficulties, it 's a blessing and a that. Every seasonAries kicks off spring, Cancer starts summer, Libra begins fall and Capricorn the. Misunderstandings in their relationship may feel uncomfortable when in the first reason these types. An empty space to fill calm, genuine, playful, and Prospecting often ENTJs. 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